Season 2 | Episode 1 - Organizational Structure:

Your Key to Sustainable Growth

Is the structure of your church or department bringing clarity or confusion? Senior Pastors Todd and Julie Mullins share how the structure at Christ Fellowship developed over the years, how to differentiate your calling from your assignment, and how to bring unity to different teams.

Key Takeaways: 

How Pastors Todd and Julie shifted roles over the years and what grew them the most. 

The two primary reasons your organization may need to restructure. 

How to find the balance between too much structure and not enough.

How to make many teams remember they are one big team. 

Advice for anyone in the gap between what you want to do and your current assignment. 


Nexus Podcast Resources

Necessary Endings

Craig Groeschel's Leadership Podcast: Ep. 39 and Ep. 40

Predictable Success

Christ Fellowship Conference

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